A 2-day Integrisport Erasmus+ Project Awareness Raising Session on combating the manipulation of sports competitions for the Policía Judiciária and the Prosecution Service of Portugal, took place in Lisbon on 18-19 February 2020. The training was co-organised by Policía Judiciária and CSCF-Foundation for Sport Integrity under the framework of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme.
On 23 and 24 September 2020, a professional seminar for the international project IntegriSport Erasmus+ was held in Bratislava, focusing on the prevention and fight against manipulation of sports competitions (match fixing) both nationally and internationally. The seminar for law enforcement authorities was organised by the National Crime Agency of the Police Force Presidium, in co-operation with CSCF- Foundation for Sport Integrity, under the direction of the international project, IntegriSport Erasmus+. Read more